Meet New Model Vivian Williams

Yesterday, we shot with new model Vivian Williams. Vivian is a beautiful woman with a great physique and a bit of a modern look. She also has a very strong personal interest in bondage and really wanted to experiment more with it. She is curious about everything and very open to trying new things. Throughout the shoot, you could easily tell she was having a fun time. Vivian has a very friendly, easy going & outgoing personality that made the whole shoot just a fun, relaxed time. We shot three videos, with photosets, all of which will eventually appear in the Imago Studios’ Members’ Club. At the end of the shoot, Vivian said the experience exceeded her expectations and she is eager to come back. Working with people as enthusiastic & curious about bondage as Vivian is always a great experience, so we are certain you will be seeing more of this delightful young woman.

Behind the Scenes Sample Clip
Click image for a short cell phone BTS “teaser” video.

Behind the Scenes Sample Clip
Click image for a short cell phone BTS “teaser” video.

Behind the Scenes Sample Clip
Click image for a short cell phone BTS “teaser” video.

2 thoughts on “Meet New Model Vivian Williams

  1. Wow Vivian has a lovely figure! Glad to hear she has a personal interest in bondage. Looking forward to seeing her photos and videos 🙂

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