New Quick Take Video in Members’ Club Featuring Kristen Moore & Michelle Jennings

Added a new quick take video featuring Kristen Moore & Michelle Jennings to the Members’ Club. Kristen Moore & Michelle Jennings are 2 detectives who were given the assignment of tracking down & arresting one of the city’s biggest crime bosses. But the 2 beautiful detectives got captured and ended up bound & gagged. Now they have been called into the commissioner’s office where they have to explain their screw up. Interestingly, they have different memories of how things happened and who is to blame!

This creative, multi-perspective storyline has our 2 detectives each trying to explain the story to the boss in a way that she looks like the more responsible partner, but all we really notice is 2 beautiful women, dressed in professional slacks & jackets, and lots of rope!

Click image for sample video

2 thoughts on “New Quick Take Video in Members’ Club Featuring Kristen Moore & Michelle Jennings

  1. Kristen and Michelle look so great together! I also really liked how they broke the fourth wall. I also thought Dianne had a great role in this video 😉

  2. This is an excellent video. Loved them talking to the camera and hope to see more of that in future videos. Keep up the great work.

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