Bridgett Haring’s 2nd Visit

Last weekend, we spent two super fun days shooting with Bridgett Haring. You may recall that Bridgett does not yet live in Vegas – she is still in the process of moving here. But she was in town getting a few things in order ahead of the move and was very interested in shooting again. We had also gotten a custom mummification video request for her after she worked the first time. In all, we shot 6 videos, with photosets, all of which will eventually appear in the Imago Studios’ Members’ Club. Although this was just our second shoot with Bridgett, after spending 2 full days with her plus grabbing dinner on day 1, we have to say Bridgett is someone we REALLY like. She is a super cool person with a personality we blend with perfectly. She really enjoys modeling and is a very good actress. We are quite enthusiastic about shooting with her regularly when she completes her move here this fall.

3 thoughts on “Bridgett Haring’s 2nd Visit

  1. Just saw the behind the scenes update for this visit and Bridgett is amazing. Great personality and on video and seems like a fun person to work with. You found another winner.

  2. Great to see Bridgett back again! Looking forward to seeing more of her photos and videos. Also excited to hear she’s almost moved to Vegas. It’ll be great to have another recurring model.

  3. Damn Bridgett is really starting to grow on me. Love how youthful and playful she is. Love both videos already released and looking forward to the ones you just dropped a preview photo on, especially the mummification. When is she planning on coming back?

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