A Short Notice Shoot with Michelle Jennings

Earlier today we shot with the beautiful Michelle Jennings. We had a different model scheduled, but last night she had something come up and had to cancel. So last minute we called Michelle and she was free. Well, she was free until she showed up at our door – ha ha! We shot 3 videos, with photosets, all of which will eventually appear in the Imago Studios’ Members’ Club. Given it was a last minute shoot and we didn’t have a lot preplanned, we think we got some really good material. But when we are working with someone as talented & beautiful as Michelle, how could we not?

4 thoughts on “A Short Notice Shoot with Michelle Jennings

  1. Michelle is a super sweet person and working with her is the opposite of stressful – a beautiful girl, a hard worker, and up for whatever mischief we sling her way! We still hope to get the “mystery model” rescheduled (she is a crowd favorite who took some time off) but it’s always a good day when Michelle is in the house 🙂

  2. Looking at these previews, I’d say you got some great material! I can imagine last minute scheduling being stressful but I’m glad it worked out 🙂 . Looking forward to seeing these scenes.

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