Site Changes/Updates

You may have noticed in the past week some changes to the sites. Mostly these are just housekeeping things, but we are trying to make the site easier to use by making it more intuitive to find what you are looking for, and more consistency between the main Imago Studios site and the Bondage Warehouse site. So – the framing of the sites are wider so you don’t have to scroll as much (very few people these days have screen resolution less than 1024×800), some of the extraneous verbiage removed, and clearer links on the home page to the Warehouse for downloadable items, the DVD cart for physical purchases, and the new streaming interface for pay-per-view channel. The DVD cart and the Warehouse are going to get all the thumbs and the link to the sample clip right on the page where you purchase (like the page for IS158), so you don’t have to jump back & forth between multiple pages. We are still planning to tweak the template of the DVD cart to be more stylistically consistent with the rest of the site. And the front page will get an overhaul one of these days, but it’s probably a bit further down into autumn before that is finished.

The other major thing we’ve been working on is trying to get most of the rest of our back catalog converted to digital so it can be available to be downloaded. We’ve got the vast majority of them done now, so look for them in the Warehouse in the next few weeks. They won’t be available as DVDs at this time. We may decided to release some of them on DVD (though we doubt it), but that would be another project for another year – LOL.

5 thoughts on “Site Changes/Updates

  1. Thank you for that one. I was always surprised that Dianne never shot more as a damsel in the early days.

  2. Yes – 14 will go up. You get to see the last time I had really short hair LOL

  3. Been looking forward to this for awhile. There are several older videos I have on my wish list. 2 & 24 and a longshot of 20. I can assume 20 will not be available because Dianne is the star. One can hope though 🙂

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