New Quick Take Video in Members’ Club Featuring Michelle Jennings

Added a new quick take video featuring Michelle Jennings to the Members’ Club. Michelle Jennings is planning a romantic evening alone with her sweetie. She calls to him him she is wearing something special and to head home soon. When she is getting ready in the bathroom, she hears a noise and assumes it is her boyfriend home early. She goes to look and finds a pile of rope and silk scarves on the bed before she is grabbed from behind. She assumes it is her boyfriend playing a kinky game, but when she looks back, she sees a man that is definitely not her sweetie! Michelle objects, but is soon tied hand & foot and secured to the bed frame.

Click image for sample video

Click image for sample video

2 thoughts on “New Quick Take Video in Members’ Club Featuring Michelle Jennings

  1. This is a great clip, as they all are, especially with Michelle. And the outtake posted on the members area this week was exactly the line that had made me laugh when I first watched it… nice to know Michelle ad-libbed that herself. Great stuff, as always! Thank you!

  2. Perfect storyline for Michelle! She looks super sexy and I love the way she sports the scarf cleave gag!

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